WinRescue 7 1.08
Protect your PC from errors and recover information easily with Win7.
Specialized, as the name suggests, in the administration of the Registry in your Windows 7 operating system, WinRescue 7 is the program you need not only to recover data in case of a system crash, if not directly, to prevent that from happening.
Because the first thing WinRescue 7 will do once installed on your system will be to create a complete backup of the Windows Registry settings and other important configuration files of your system, allowing you to return to normal after a system error in less than 2 minutes. And yet, this doesn't stop being a tool to use in case of last necessity, because WinRescue 7 offers four other ways to avoid losing data in case of system failure, just in case.
So don't hesitate, if you fear losing important data, or you're worried that you may suffer damage to your system in case of a serious error, whether hardware or software, the solution is simple: always have WinRescue 7 on hand and ready, even just in case!